

DEE- Global is the holding company for a number of  diverse entities and activities that encompass monitoring software, a Safety Guru website, road safety marketplace, management consultancy services. It also includes  a SDG  related website and a monitoring Application. The company provides  tools and services to enable  individuals, corporate and public sector clients to make progress  towards their stated goals / objectives and to monitor their own performance. It also provides specialist  services in the areas of strategic performance management. It's senior staff are involved in Global advocacy on road safety issues and  have internationally recognised expertise in the field of road safety and impact monitoring activities.

It has particular experience and expertise in assisting organisations to do benchmarking and in strategic management of action plan implementation. We   support  concerned citizens, corporate clients, local and central governments to contribute effectively towards implementation of  SDGs in their spheres of influence.  We also assist clients  to develop and implement action plans and can provide tools and training to do effective strategic monitoring of  their implementation.