Our Organisation
DEE-Global is the holding company and there are a number of entities and elements already in place or currently being developed as part of our portfolio. We have extensive expertise in management consulting services in a number of sectors as outlined earlier . We also have particular expertise and interest in road safety issues and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The key aspects of our organisation in these areas are summarised below.
1 DEE-Global companies
This includes a number of entities and websites managed through the wholly owned company SPM-DEE in the UK. This functions as the operational arm of DEE-Global and manages the day to day activities of the various different DEE-Global entities and websites. One of the the websites ( www.whatcanyoudo.earth) is a "not for profit" and aims to mobilise and motivate individuals to take personal action in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The other websites (e.g. www.dee-global.com ) are linked to our commercial activities and services These offer our management systems, our various management and road safety experts, SDGs related frameworks, DEE software and our valuable historic library of DEE framework templates that can be adapted to cover numerous sectors, industries and DEE applications.
Through theses entities we provide services to public sector and private sector clients in benchmarking, Action planning and monitoring related to road safety and to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs are a relatively new area of activity agreed by all UN member countries and are now being promoted by all UN agencies. They are now being implemented at National and local government levels in every single country of the world, in large private corporations and all international organizations. DEE–Global already has along history of developing client specific DEE frameworks for effective benchmarking, action planning and monitoring of activities at different levels of public sector and private sector organisations in different industries . We can now also offer similar services to public sector and private clients in the 17 Global issues addressed by SDGs.
2 Road Safety
With over 1.24 million deaths and 50 million injuries on roads each year, the UN Decade of Action on road safety and the recent inclusion of road safety targets into the SDGs, road safety will get even greater focus, attention and funding support in the coming 15 years. This will significantly increase the demand for road safety products and services. Over 90% of such deaths occur in the developing world and many in such countries may not have access to information or knowledge about the kinds of services which have been successfully applied in the more developed countries to address road safety problems. If they search on Internet, they can be swamped with information and leaving them even more confused and uncertain as to what is good or bad and with no easy way of knowing the reliability or honesty of the suppliers.
DEE-Global staff have extensive experience in road safety from around the world and an extensive network of contacts in many of these developing countries. In addition, Alan Ross is an internationally recognised specialist in road safety and having worked on road safety issues in over 65 countries, is very knowledgeable about the conditions and needs in many countries. Through his various manuals and guidelines on safety issues and his pro bono international road safety advocacy activities at the UNECE, UNESCAP, UNRSC etc., he is well known to many of the most senior safety specialists and decision makers in such countries.
Consequently, there is a continuing and in, some cases, growing need for road safety services services that we can supply through our in house expertise. In addition, DEE-Global entities will have access to the DEE-Global extensive pool and world wide network of road safety experts that can be brought in provide expertise on every aspect of road safety.
3 SDG related activities
As part of our commitment to supporting action on SDGs, we have established a SDG - related not for profit website, social media presence and are developing an APP to encourage, stimulate and support individuals to make a personal commitment to taking action as individuals or as a friends and family group to support the SDGs. This APP and website will allow them to select actions and to monitor their activities and to then share their progress with friends and family via social media. The website www.whatcanyoudo.earth provides information, encouragement and tools to become active in supporting the SDGs.