Our Approach
Our approach in developing and applying DEE frameworks:
DEE can be applied where there is a desired industry standard, recommended approach, strategy or Action Plan already known or in place and there is a need to apply that throughout a client organisation. A DEE benchmarking framework is devised by our DEE experts from the written documentation and where appropriate, in close consultation with client’s staff. This DEE framework summarizes the key elements and activities that need to be done and the key outcomes that have to be delivered if the standards or objectives are to be achieved. Appropriate quantitative and qualitative Performance indicators are then derived for each desired outcome. The resulting DEE framework is then applied to benchmark or assess current progress towards the agreed outcomes as evidenced by the percentage completion of the performance indicators. This gives a %age score (0% to 100%) for every element within the framework so that compliance with the standard or best practice can be assessed and the areas needing most attention identified.
Action Planning
If after benchmarking, it is decided to develop an Action plan to implement improvements, that same benchmarking framework can be used to develop a next level of the actions and activities needed to deliver the required impacts. Where a prior benchmarking phase has not had not been done and a strategy, action plan or programme is to be implemented, a new framework can be devised based on the stated objectives and desired outcomes. This is done in a workshop with participation of the key individuals involved in managing, implementing and funding the activities. That ensures that all key parties involved agree and have a common vision on exactly what is to be delivered by project end and how success will be assessed. The “Planned achievement profile” (PAP) (showing the planned month by month progress as a %age towards the 100% delivery of the performance indicators) is then developed from the work programme. These can be displayed graphically for each element in the framework so all can see how and when the outcomes are scheduled to be delivered.
Once the basic framework and PAPs are in place, monitoring can commence. Actual achievement in each monitoring period (monthly, quarterly etc. as appropriate) can then be plotted to create an “Actual Achievement profile” (AAP). This AAP can then be compared against the planned profile (PAP) to provide a strategic overview of progress at any point in time and the need for intervention by senior management. If the DEE framework has been designed to also monitor organisational effectiveness, progress can also be tracked vertically through each of the subsidiary frameworks related to the activities and inputs of the sub divisions to see if their contribution towards the overall organizational objectives and desired outcomes is on track. DEE frameworks enable strategic monitoring of implementation horizontally and vertically to permit early identification of under performance. The visual presentations are specifically designed so that senior managers are not overloaded with unnecessary details but can see at a glance, the areas needing their most urgent attention.